The Possibility Illuminators

The Possibility Illuminators

Life Gets Better from Here

Life Gets Better from Here
life Coaches and More

As Life Coaches, we came together to combine our wisdom, awareness, knowledge and different skills (Life Coaches, Dietitian, Social Worker in Mental Health) in a programme called ‘Want to Make Changes to Your Life’. This course was well received with individuals who wanted to do exactly that. See Testimonials. Participants on this course requested that we facilitate further courses to assist them becoming more enlightened about their own lives and their own power.

We went on to develop our self-awareness course The Possibility Programme – Live Your Best Life’ This proved popular with our clients. Some groups preferred to do this course at a slower pace to allow for more reflection and discussion, therefore we adapted the course so that it could be presented over two parts. Until Spring 2020 all our courses were given face to face with groups in various venues.

Then came Covid! Planned courses had to be cancelled because of lockdowns and social distancing rules.

In Autumn 2020 we started doing online courses and to our surprise we found that clients engaged in these online courses quite readily. In response to requests we developed our second self-awareness course The Possibility Programme – Harmonious Living’ This allows clients to build further on their confidence, and the awareness that they gained from The Possibility Programme – Live Your Best Life.

We now offer our courses to groups either online, or in a single location where groups can meet and enjoy more interaction (in alignment with current Covid Prevention guidelines)

Extreme Sports Biking
Group Talks

From time to time, we are approached by groups eg: women’s groups, sports teams, workplaces, resource centres and family life centres, to design and present individual talks/workshops for their members. Such talks have been in the areas of:

֎ positive mental health,

֎ boosting morale,

֎ enhancing performance

֎ improving relationships

֎ holistic healthcare

֎ good nutrition

If you are involved in any group and believe that a morale boosting pep talk , motivational talk, or course would be beneficial, we can discuss this with you, assess your needs and then design a course to suit your group. Contact us by sending an email here and we will contact you within 2 working days.

The Possibility Illuminators’ Team

Nicola Scully
Nicola Scully
Life Coach and Social Worker in Mental Health

I grew up in Ballymote, Co. Sligo, moved to Dublin to complete a Social Science Degree and Master’s in social work. Several years later, I returned to Ballymote and became a busy wife, mother and social worker.

A carer by nature, I found I was minding everyone else but not myself.

In completing the life coaching course, I recognised that we all have habits that we live by every day. I had to stand back and ask “Is this the life I want?” Are these habits serving me well? These habits often start in childhood, and they are so ingrained we don’t see them and we are not aware of them.

As a social worker for over 20 years, I have supported individuals and families often in very difficult circumstances. This has taught me about fear, human resilience and courage.

I am a firm believer in the saying “If nothing changes, nothing changes” (C.C. Stevens). Change can be hard, but it doesn’t always have to be. By becoming aware of what is holding us back, we can make small changes which lead to big improvements that benefit everyone.

Using the life coaching tool of powerful questions, and guided by social work principles, I guide my clients to help them look for solutions and see that they are the experts in their own lives.

I am committed to supporting people to open their eyes to their strengths and use these to improve their situations.

My qualifications:

Social Science Degree (UCD)
Social Work Masters (UCD)

Higher diploma in Health Science

Train the Trainer QQI (Quality & Qualifications Ireland) level 6 Qualification

Quantum Thinking Technology (QQT) Therapist – QQT is a personal development talking method, designed to enable people to change their thinking and behaviour patterns.

Marte Meo Therapist – Marte Meo is a method of supporting families in the areas of social, emotional, and communication development. This approach uses film analysis-studying short film clips of daily interactions that occur naturally in both the home and group situations between a child and an adult. The film clips can identify the skills the child has already developed (strengths) and can give an insight into the kind of support a child may need (possibilities).

Liz Rafferty
Liz Rafferty
Life Coach & Dietitian

I live in County Sligo in the North West of Ireland. I am a life coach, dietitian, wife, mother (of teenage and young adult children), friend and neighbour. I have had ups and downs in life and I get great strength from my faith. I enjoy hobbies (dancing, singing, music, socialising and having fun with our cat) and nature in all its forms. All of these add balance and happiness to my life. I have always had a keen interest in good health and happiness.

For over thirty years I have worked as a dietitian in a hospital. I advise patients and staff about good nutrition to aid recovery. While it is well recognised that good nutrition is important for the body, I have come to realise that there is also a hunger for nourishment of the mind and soul. People come to me for dietary advice about problems that manifest as health issues. On the surface, these problems look like they stem from dietary deficiencies. However, on reflection we have learned that deeper issues may need to be addressed.

Example 1: A lady (Kate) had high blood pressure and was referred to me for advice about a low salt diet. Reducing salt intake is helpful in individuals with high blood pressure. I explained the changes she needed to make in her diet. During our conversation there was an awkward silence after which she asked “Does being overwhelmed cause high blood pressure?” I realised that Kate needed to talk about wider issues, yet my job was to advise about her diet. I knew immediately that I wanted to help Kate and others with lifestyle issues beyond diet, by addressing the bigger picture. I trained as a life coach to gain additional skills to offer a more holistic approach to diet and healthcare, and as a result to enable people to have more joy in their lives.

Example 2: Rita came to my clinic hoping to get relief from digestive problems, and dietary guidance to improve her health. During our discussion about her usual patterns and eating habits I asked the question “Do you eat fast or slowly?” Rita immediately started to cry. I asked what had I done and apologised if I had offended her “You haven’t offended me. It’s just that nobody ever asked me that question before” Rita had just realised that in the busyness of life, while looking after everyone else, she had neglected herself and become out of touch with her own body’s needs. True – her diet was important, but there were also other issues of concern.

In my coaching we explore these “other issues” in order to help you look after yourself and enjoy better health and more happiness. I believe that there is always something you can do to improve your health and happiness. Through my coaching you become aware of attitudes, thoughts and actions you can change in order to change your life.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can” Arthur Ashe

My main areas of work are:

  1. One-to-one coaching. This is individual coaching which I can offer either face to face in a mutually convenient location, or online.
  2. Talks on Diet and Nutrition, looking at the role of nutrition in a broader lifestyle context.
  3. Confidence in The Kitchen Course. This is a Nutrition and Food Awareness course for 9 to 12 year olds. The course aims to teach the children skills to look after themselves in the kitchen. Basic nutrition, kitchen safety, food preparation, cookery and kitchen hygiene are taught. The children are encouraged to touch, smell, and taste new foods.
  4. Group Coaching Courses and Workshops. Usually both Nicola and I present these courses and workshops together. For further details see our What We Do section on our menu.

The Possibility Illuminators’ Team

Nicola Scully
Nicola Scully
Life Coach & Social Worker in Mental Health
Liz Rafferty
Liz Rafferty
Life Coach & Dietitian

I grew up in Ballymote, Co. Sligo, moved to Dublin to complete a Social Science Degree and Master’s in social work. Several years later, I returned to Ballymote and became a busy wife, mother and social worker.

A carer by nature, I found I was minding everyone else but not myself.

In completing the life coaching course, I recognised that we all have habits that we live by every day. I had to stand back and ask “Is this the life I want?” Are these habits serving me well? These habits often start in childhood, and they are so ingrained we don’t see them and we are not aware of them.

As a social worker for over 20 years, I have supported individuals and families often in very difficult circumstances. This has taught me about fear, human resilience and courage.

I am a firm believer in the saying “If nothing changes, nothing changes” (C.C. Stevens). Change can be hard, but it doesn’t always have to be. By becoming aware of what is holding us back, we can make small changes which lead to big improvements that benefit everyone.

Using the life coaching tool of powerful questions, and guided by social work principles, I guide my clients to help them look for solutions and see that they are the experts in their own lives.

I am committed to supporting people to open their eyes to their strengths and use these to improve their situations.

My qualifications:

Social Science Degree (UCD)

Social Work Masters (UCD)

Higher diploma in Health Science

Train the Trainer QQI (Quality & Qualifications Ireland) level 6 Qualification

Quantum Thinking Technology (QQT) Therapist – QQT is a personal development talking method, designed to enable people to change their thinking and behaviour patterns.

Marte Meo Therapist – Marte Meo is a method of supporting families in the areas of social, emotional, and communication development. This approach uses film analysis-studying short film clips of daily interactions that occur naturally in both the home and group situations between a child and an adult. The film clips can identify the skills the child has already developed (strengths) and can give an insight into the kind of support a child may need (possibilities).

A friend of mine had recommended coaching and I had mixed ideas about it. I made contact with Nicola and felt comfortable to explain my reservations. From the start, I felt at ease and listened to. I did not realise all the excuses I had been making and how they had stopped me moving forward. I don’t think I would have ever seen this if I did not go for coaching. I had a real habit of blaming other people and felt they stopped me from being able to do what I wanted. I can see now that it was easier to blame others because then I did not have to take responsibility for myself. I did four sessions and hope to return for more.

Laura, Office Worker, Testimonial for Nicola

I live in County Sligo in the North West of Ireland. I am a life coach, dietitian, wife, mother (of teenage and young adult children), friend and neighbour. I have had ups and downs in life and I get great strength from my faith. I enjoy hobbies (dancing, singing, music, socialising and having fun with our cat) and nature in all its forms. All of these add balance and happiness to my life. I have always had a keen interest in good health and happiness.

For over thirty years I have worked as a dietitian in a hospital. I advise patients and staff about good nutrition to aid recovery. While it is well recognised that good nutrition is important for the body, I have come to realise that there is also a hunger for nourishment of the mind and soul. People come to me for dietary advice about problems that manifest as health issues. On the surface, these problems look like they stem from dietary deficiencies. However, on reflection we have learned that deeper issues may need to be addressed.

Example 1: A lady (Kate) had high blood pressure and was referred to me for advice about a low salt diet. Reducing salt intake is helpful in individuals with high blood pressure. I explained the changes she needed to make in her diet. During our conversation there was an awkward silence after which she asked “Does being overwhelmed cause high blood pressure?” I realised that Kate needed to talk about wider issues, yet my job was to advise about her diet. I knew immediately that I wanted to help Kate and others with lifestyle issues beyond diet, by addressing the bigger picture. I trained as a life coach to gain additional skills to offer a more holistic approach to diet and healthcare, and as a result to enable people to have more joy in their lives.

Example 2: Rita came to my clinic hoping to get relief from digestive problems, and dietary guidance to improve her health. During our discussion about her usual patterns and eating habits I asked the question “Do you eat fast or slowly?” Rita immediately started to cry. I asked what had I done and apologised if I had offended her “You haven’t offended me. It’s just that nobody ever asked me that question before” Rita had just realised that in the busyness of life, while looking after everyone else, she had neglected herself and become out of touch with her own body’s needs. True – her diet was important, but there were also other issues of concern.

In my coaching we explore these “other issues” in order to help you look after yourself and enjoy better health and more happiness. I believe that there is always something you can do to improve your health and happiness. Through my coaching you become aware of attitudes, thoughts and actions you can change in order to change your life.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can” Arthur Ashe

My main areas of work are:

  1. One-to-one coaching. This is individual coaching which I can offer either face to face in a mutually convenient location, or online. Depending on what client needs are, it may or may not include dietary advice.
  2. Talks on Diet and Nutrition, looking at the role of nutrition in a broader lifestyle context.
  3. Confidence in The Kitchen Course. This is a Nutrition and Food Awareness course for 9 to 12 year olds. The course aims to teach the children skills to look after themselves in the kitchen. Basic nutrition, kitchen safety, food preparation, cookery and kitchen hygiene are taught. The children are encouraged to touch, smell, and taste new foods.
  4. Group Coaching Courses and Workshops. Usually both Nicola and I present these courses and workshops together. For further details see our Services section on the dropdown menu on our home page.

In her coaching Liz left me feeling better and at ease almost immediately. She offers a good listening ear, total confidentiality and privacy, wisdom and life experience. In today’s world, we all need a coach like Liz to ground us.

Geraldine, Secretary, Testimonial for Liz