This little piece just gives a flavour of how we start our Live Your Best Life course.

Your beliefs are basically assumptions/convictions that you make about the world and what you hold to be true. Your values stem from those beliefs. Values are the things/ideas we deem important – they can include concepts such as equality, honesty, education, effort, perseverance, loyalty, environmental conservation………….. The list is limitless. Values are important because they govern the way we behave and interact with others. Also, our attitudes stem from our beliefs and values.

While training to become Life Coaches, we learned that, in order to experience success in our lives, we must combine what we know (knowledge) with what we do (action) and align these two, to who we are (being)

Each individual is unique with a unique set of needs and desires. What satisfies me may not satisfy someone else. What excites me may have no effect on you. For me, happiness equates to success. But for you, success may mean something else.

You are not meant to be the same as others. It is not your job to try to become like somebody else. It’s up to you to discover your best qualities, and indeed to learn what to do in order to become happy. You are meant to shine in your own special and unique way. This will then enable you to live your best life.

It’s up to you to become aware of what is of value to you. Once you are aware of your values, you can then make informed decisions and choices. The result will be that your knowledge, actions, and being are all aligned and in harmont. You will feel better, and have achieved your own success.Next week in Boyle Family Resource Centrewe begin our four week course The Possibility Programme – Live Your Best Life. http://Boyle Family Life Centre

This programme brings awareness to support personal development, happiness and success in your life. On the first night we take a deeper look at ‘Values and Beliefs’ You will become more aware of the leading values in your life, and the rich benefits of living in harmony with your own values. The course is an investment in your happiness and health, and will result in greater happiness and contment as you go through life.

Liz Rafferty



Published On: September 13, 2024