Do you make an effort to always look after yourself? For example, with:

> good nutrition

> regular meals

> daily exercise

> adequate rest?

Are you making the most of yourself?

If you have answered yes to these two questions, then I congratulate you.

During busy times, when we have competing priorities, we can almost forget about ourselves. We may prioritize other people and their needs, above our own needs. If we do this over a prolonged period it causes stress and overwhelm. Self-confidence can take a dip. Feelings of being overworked, constant tiredness, and inability to sleep can follow. These result from the loss of a sense of healthy balance in our lives.

Busy mothers, those in a caring role, and people managing their own business are particularly liable to falling into this trap. But anybody, at any stage of life, can become vulnerable.

So, what can you do?

  • Look at what’s happening in your daily life
  • Where can you fit in little breaks?
  • Avail of these breaks, even if only for 5-10 minutes twice in the day
  • Meet a colleague or friend either during lunch-break or in the evenings
  • Share your worries and problems with someone you trust
  • Ask for help

These are just some of the ways you can look after yourself. You can think of other ways yourself. The important thing is – you must do at least some of those things to help you cope, before it becomes too late, thinking about them isn’t enough. Busy, and/or stressful times don’t last forever. In order to get through such times, make it a priority to do what’s required to keep you strong and healthy.

Our individual life coaching provides an ideal space where, in confidence, you can look at what’s happening in your daily life, and how you can make changes to improve your life.

Our courses also have many benefits in giving you the oomph, and kick-starting you into a healthier way of life.

If you believe you need help in the form of either our life coaching, or courses please email:

or call 087 2228302 (Nicola) / 085 8169948 (Liz)

Wishing you good health and happiness

Liz Rafferty.




Published On: February 20, 2023